Re: Alumni forum opens!
Ye Xuezhong 发表于 1999/11/13 22:27 华中科技大学校友论坛 (
Subject: SOS!!! HUST has been kicked off from national leading University League
Dear Dr. CAI Yidao,
Please circulate the following message among HUST alumni. Thank you very much.
Dear HUST Alumni,
As one of top-rated leading university in China, HUST has not been selected to be one of the top nine national university league of China, and more outrageously, HUST even can not make it within the top 21 leading univeristies. Which means HUST will not secure financial and other resources from governments, and in this way HUST will definitely deterioate into the second tier or even third tier university in very short time frame. HUST is widerly considered to be the political victim of the so-called higher education reform which is featuring large-scale mergers of universities (HUST declined to be mergered into Wuhan University).
The Alumni of HUST certainly concerns the future of our alma mater and we must do something to support HUST to survive the crisis. A lobbying group in the North America is strongly suggested to be formed to make HUST's case to the highest level of Chinese government (The classification of universities is said not exactly to be determined by merits but single-mindedly determined by the vice-priemier Li Lanqing ). Your suggestions and help are desperately needed!!!
Please feedback your comments and suggestions to:
Mr. Ye, Xuezhong, Shenzhen, China, e-mail: sztsaint @ public . szptt . net . cn
Dr. Zhong, Hong Kong, e-mail: fzhong @ ctimail . com
Yours Sincerely,
Ye Xuezhong