Dear HUST fellows,
As you may have heard, a delegation of 6 HUST leaders will be visiting us from Oct 24 to Oct 28. Their names and schedule are attached at the end of this mail. The purpose of their trip is to meet with the oversea HUST alumni in US and Canada. As usual, the HUST Alumni Association in Southern California will organize the following (tentative) gatherings/activities during their visit.
Oct 24: 9:30AM: pick the delegation up from LAX. Two volunteers with cars are needed. 11:30am – 4:00PM: All hands gathering party in Monterey Park. All HUSTers and their families and friends are welcome. Lunch boxes will be ordered (should be around $5-6.00). Reservations required (how many lunch boxes you need). Small amount of donation to cover some of the party expenses is welcome. Volunteers to take pictures. Volunteers to help organize the party. 4:30PM – 9:00PM: Meet the leaders in person in their hotel rooms. Reservations preferred, but not required. Oct 25: Continue to meet with the delegation. Local visits/shopping Volunteers/drivers needed Oct 26 – 27: Leaders travel to LV A volunteer nearby Monterey Park is needed to provide possible help with their luggage. Oct 27: 7:00 – 10:00 PM: Dinner party with the leaders in a Chinese restaurant. Volunteers to take pictures. Volunteers to help organize the party. 10:30PM: leave for the LAX airport. Two volunteers with cars are needed.
It is a golden opportunity to meet with the leaders and get the latest updates from HUST. Please make your reservations for each activity you will join. As you can see, we are also looking for volunteers. All the responses should be sent to hustscal@hotmail.com ASAP, preferably before Oct 15.
More details will be sent to you once they are available.
Hanz and Tim
----- 代表团成员是:
曹树钦 副校长 徐金鑫 校务委员会副主任(原城建学院副院长) 姜利华 人力资源部部长(女) 樊葳葳 外语学院院长(女) 余津宜 研究生培养处处长(女) 余海林 国际交流处副处长
Travel Schedule
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