
HUST Alumni Forum

武汉市市长周济将接替陈至立出任教育部部长 --- cai 2002/04/19 09:24 (215 bytes)
Act Now: A New Immigration Bill May Disaffect You --- cai 2002/04/16 11:06 (3772 bytes)
华工激光突破世界难题 --- cai 2002/04/16 09:14 (1182 bytes)
华中科技大学示范性软件学院面向海内外诚聘院长、副院长、教授 --- cai 2002/04/01 10:13 (4104 bytes)
Look here about HUST --- wahaha 2002/03/29 11:11 (8042 bytes)
Look here about HUST 大家会认为你是华中理工的。 --- wahaha 2002/03/29 11:10 (0 bytes)
寻电力系的学长 --- gothiclife 2002/03/28 22:16 (52 bytes)
HUST Houston Alumni Association --- HUST-IN-HOUSTON 2002/03/25 11:50 (332 bytes)
澡“刷卡”“限时” 华中科技大学节水“高招” --- cai 2002/03/12 09:52 (881 bytes)
我国自主研发成功DVD光学头 --- cai 2002/03/11 09:43 (588 bytes)
发现这块宝地了,哈哈!请赐教! 3x --- 雨歇 2002/03/02 02:04 (1801 bytes)
I will work in Pittsburgh as representative of Wuhan city government. --- Huang Liqun 2002/02/20 14:37 (864 bytes)
Gathering for HUSTers in LA or Southern California --- A LA HUSTer 2002/02/08 13:07 (263 bytes)
能扩充光纤通信容量的新技术研制成功 --- cai 2002/01/25 10:32 (1320 bytes)
武汉市市长易人周济任代理市长 --- cai 2002/01/02 11:57 (1343 bytes)
今年申请光电、物理,请校友指点迷津 --- ganglm 2001/12/25 09:14 (60 bytes)
Fwd: Holiday greetings from HUAAN and TMUAANA --- cai 2001/12/20 09:59 (852 bytes)
Production Manager Wanted in Shenzhen! --- Byron Roy 2001/11/16 22:59 (4013 bytes)
help design webpages for HUST alumni --- IEC 2001/11/08 01:28 (454 bytes)
留学求助 --- 出国申请郁闷中! 2001/11/03 07:44 (171 bytes)
Look: 华中科大成功研制出“抗结核药敏芯片” --- HG Ren 2001/10/18 17:11 (2055 bytes)
Fwd: 华中科大研制出新型网络服务器 --- cai 2001/10/17 11:51 (998 bytes)
黄雀在后 --- 文歌 2001/10/09 09:00 (34 bytes)
湖北学子睡懒觉误班机与“9-11”事件擦肩而过 --- cai 2001/09/26 09:43 (1296 bytes)
China vs. Taiwan after 911 event --- wahaha 2001/09/25 17:04 (13802 bytes)
China vs. USA after 911 event --- wahaha 2001/09/25 17:00 (13976 bytes)
新手报到 --- smartchang 2001/09/23 23:44 (26 bytes)
Great HZ --- wahaha 2001/09/11 15:07 (4666 bytes)
HZ 汉字万岁! --- wahaha 2001/09/11 15:05 (0 bytes)
NYC and DC 2001 fall --- wahaha 2001/09/11 15:03 (15194 bytes)
52 grad school in china --- wahaha 2001/09/07 12:46 (10630 bytes)
SH Jiao Da 2001 summer --- wahaha 2001/09/07 12:39 (13809 bytes)
HUST Ren: 25 years old, 3 million a year !!! --- wahaha 2001/09/06 11:08 (6206 bytes)
白云黄鹤——谁也没有权力毁了它 --- iceboy 2001/09/06 07:33 (1926 bytes)
qm & bf 提出的问题 --- iceboy 2001/09/06 07:30 (5900 bytes)

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