
HUAAN is a non-profit, non-political, mutual-aid and independent organization for those who are HUST graduates, former staff members, or individuls having had relationship with or interest in HUST and who are currently in U.S.A. or Canada.

It was formed in January, 1993 by a group of HUST graduates for upholding the common interests of HUST alumni in North America. The main purpose of the Association is to promote friendship, social interactions, mutual-aid and cooperations among its members, and to promote close connections between HUAAN members and their Alma Mater, HUST.

The first-term leadership includes co-chairs Dr. YANG Qing (Computer Science and Engineering, 82) and Dr. YE Yinyu (Automatic Control Engineering, 82), and general secretary Dr. JIANG Hong (Computer Science and Engineering, 82).

For other staff, your local coordinators and HUAAN bylaw, please click here.

HUAAN is currently registered as a non-profit organization in the state of Rhode Island. Any contribution to HUAAN is tax-deductable in US.
This page was created on November 10, 1995. Last modified on: May 18, 1997